
Ruth Roberts

Ruth Roberts wrote and performed plays as a child on her front porch with her sisters and neighbors and published a limerick and short story in high school. She taught writing and literature in high school, college and university programs for 15 years. Currently she writes and publishes journal articles and books on diabetes and technology, specializing in insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors.

Early MA and ABD PhD degrees combine with a recent Certificate in Novel Writing from San Diego Writers, Ink in 2016 taught by novelist T. Greenwood to inspire her writing and publication of two chapters from her novel, Anarchy and The Underground Railroad in A Year In Ink, 2017 and 2018.

The protagonist, Anarchy, is drawn from a historical character mentioned in letters from Ruth’s ancestors living in her hometown in Kentucky in pre-Civil War days. Other ancestors are local characters, the Mounts, who own Anarchy; and Rob Morris, a noted Masonic poet and professor, who founded a woman’s Masonic organization called The Order of the Eastern Star.